Ashmolean Museum Oxford

A.R. Penck: I Think in Pictures

by Lena Fritsch

£15.00 £10.00

The artistic language of A.R. Penck (1936-2017) - characterised by brusquely and expressively painted signs and 'primitive' symbols - is instantly recognisable.

Abiding interests in systems theory and cybernetics, as well as pre-historic cultures and science fiction, guided his art toward an investigation of the relationships between man and society's power systems. His prolific artistic output was primarily driven by his desire to create a universal artistic language that addresses the issues facing modern man.

This paperback publication accompanies A.R. Penck's first solo exhibition in Oxford. It features works created between 1970 and 1990 and introduces his art to an audience that might be unfamiliar with it by focusing on the artist's signature motif of the Standart stick figure in its diverse forms.


Book contains: 128 pages.

Dimensions: 23.19 x 1.73 x 27.76cm