Gin Collection
For gin enthusiasts everywhere, we have a collection dedicated to the boozy botanicals. Our exclusive Ashmolean Gin has been brewed by the Oxford Artisan Distillery and is inspired by the Museum's collections from around the world.
Ashmolean Dry Gin 70cl
£41.00Ashmolean Dry Gin 70cl
£41.00 -
Oxford Physic Gin 50cl
£36.00Oxford Physic Gin 50cl
£36.00 -
Witch in a Bottle Gin
£6.50 - £42.00Witch in a Bottle Gin
£6.50 - £42.00 -
Miniature Gin Gift Box Set
£25.00Miniature Gin Gift Box Set
£25.00 -
Cocktails, A Still Life
£16.99Cocktails, A Still Life
£16.99 -
Gin Rummy Playing Cards
£12.99Gin Rummy Playing Cards
£12.99 -
Mila Gin Glasses Set of 2
£35.00Mila Gin Glasses Set of 2
£35.00 -
Emerald Mila Tumbler
£45.00Emerald Mila Tumbler