Ashmolean Museum Oxford

The Large Cat Greetings Card


Visscher's engraving depicts a tabby cat crouching at rest, facing towards some plants seen in silhouette to the lower right. The large cat nearly fills the frame. Visscher expertly expresses the stiffness of the cat's whiskers, and the softness of its fur. A mouse is emerging through the bars of an arched window to the left behind the cat. A stone to the lower left reads "Corn. Visscher fecit", and the caption to the engraving states "CJVisscher Excudit".

All Ashmolean branded cards packs are made from paper sourced from sustainable forests.

Buy 3 packs for £7.50. Mix and match offer available on all Ashmolean branded greeting cards, subject to availability.

Dimensions: 18cm x 12.5cm